The Universe of Laria Launches OCTOBER 1st!

The Power is Only Yours

The hardest lesson I've learned is to keep my worth in my own proverbial basket. I struggle really hard with unnecessary mean spirits. It's my final battle on the current field I find myself. I imagine once I master it there will be an entirely new set of mountains to climb.

I recognize the issue after I've allowed them to steal my worth and then I wanting back so I go after it and I haven't mastered doing that in a way that suits my personal standards of interacting with people.

I eventually remember that no one can steal it that I gave it away but it is my instinct to give it away.

People are in charge of their own energy and morals. They will not live up to mine and i will not live up to theirs.

I accept that some peopl are closed minded and judgemental as this is not my energy to be burdened with.

I take a second glance at the woman I am. I look at her eyes and I know her. Only I know her this well and I respect her. I know her heart and I know her mind. I know she is good and kind. No one can redefine this unless I let them.

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